You hear all the time. "I must seek a joint venture!" And then I ask the person what they are interested in. and they come back to me with something like, "I'm really good product. If only I could get some big gun to promote it. "I see. Well, I probably should have sent him this article, except that I had not written yet. Fortunately for you, I wrote and you can read at least what a joint venture is REAL. Then you will not be as anxious to get "Big Gun" to sell your product.
A joint venture is something that you go with another person only.
It is the pooling of resources and talents to a set of products that you share also as the benefits and costs, or at least as equally as possible. This is not to create something and then you try to find someone to sell you. It's great to find an affiliate, which is not the same as finding a joint venture.
A joint venture is quite honest, at least in some respects, more work and work harder than doing something about yourself. Why is this? With a joint venture on each side of the joint venture is on an equal footing in the draft. It is not a "We'll do it my way 'kind of thing. Inevitably, along the way, you will have disagreements. There will be aspects of the project that you're not going to be able to get on. It may be the price. It may be how the website head. It may be that you decide to outsource the sale of copy, assuming that neither one of you is able to write sales copy.
Many joint ventures never get off the ground because of these types of disagreements.
It does not matter how your product. And sometimes you cannot even agree on the property. You decide you want to put a chapter on advertising and safe list your JV partner said it was too oriented new people and this is what you want to be a high-end product for more advanced users. Yes, it is sometimes easier to just do things by yourself.
A joint venture is a true partnership in every sense.
We must give and take on both sides. If you have a great product that you want a great weapon to promote, the only problem will probably be the percentage of commission you're willing to pay him. If you really want his help, you give him what he wants. Remember, you need him more than he needs you. But again, this is not a joint venture. The only risk he is assuming sending the offer to its list, and we hope they do not think it is the biggest piece of trash on the planet. But it is to no money, except perhaps for certain expenses of advertisement, whether it really believes in the product. You, however, have put in all the work and money in creating the product. Admittedly, this is not an equal partnership.
So the next time you say you want to do a joint venture with someone, remember, this is not a ground to sell your product. Article Source:
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